Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cement Tile Backsplash Design, Cost & Installation Tips

One of the biggest trends in cement tile is to use them for a backsplash – primarily a kitchen backsplash – like the one shown here and featured on Houzz by our friends, Philadelphia-based general contracting firm Buckminster Green.

A Cement Tile Backsplash using Cuban Design 110 2B
A Cement Tile Backsplash using Cuban Design 110 2B
In fact, we had more orders for 50-100 sq. ft. of cement tile in 2013 than ever before. This cement tile backsplash design trend makes a lot of sense.
  • Cement tiles provide a powerful design punch that allows homeowners to create a personal statement where it matters most. 
  • Cement tiles are available in an array of geometric, traditional and contemporary patterns that can be customized with choices that include palettes with 90 colors.
A Cement Tile Backsplash using a Custom Pattern
A Cement Tile Backsplash Using a Custom Pattern
Additionally, these handmade tiles are crafted to endure decades of wear from foot traffic and have a color layer that is about 1/8” thick. They won't face anything that formidable when placed on a wall except for an occasional melee with grease, vinegar, or wine.

So, what’s not to like about cement tile? Nothing, really, as long you understand a few key differences.

Cement tile is different in many respects than its more ubiquitous cousin, ceramic tile. It’s these differences that often surprise folks and can create a "deal breaker" - an obstacle that can't be overcome or resolved. To prevent that kind of a surprise, we thought we'd detail what you need to know before buying cement tile.

Cement Tile Backsplash:
7 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy

We came up with 7 things you need to know before you decide to go with a cement tile backsplash. Here are the first three:
  1. Use a very narrow grout line when installing cement tiles. Place cement tiles as close together as possible to create a very thin grout line. Minimizing the grout line will make the design look seamless and your space look larger. We recommend a 1/16” grout joint. Non-sanded (or unsanded) grout is required for grout joints less than 1/8” wide.
  2. Pick the right grout color. You may use colored or white grout. If you decide to use colored grout we recommend that it be a color that is the same, or lighter than the lightest color used in the pattern. You can’t use black grout with white or black and white pattern tiles, the dark grout will stain the white parts of the tile and can’t be removed.
  3. Expect to spend about $1,000-$1,500 for the tiles and freight, assuming a backsplash area of about 40-50 sq. ft. The cost varies and will ultimately depend on the size, pattern, color and finish of the tile.
Want to find out more? Learn what you need to know before installing a cement tile kitchen backsplash. Download and read, 7 Things You Need to Know about Cement Tile Backsplashes. You'll find answers on polishing, sealing, grout, and much more.

A Cement Tile Backsplash - Traditional Romana Pattern
A Cement Tile Backsplash - Traditional Romana Pattern
Do you have a question about using cement tile that we didn't answer here or in our free guide, Cement Tile Backsplashes: 7 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy? No problem! Leave your cement tile question in the comments on this blog and we'll happily answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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